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Development - Contributing

First, you might want to see the basic ways to help Typer and get help.


If you already cloned the typer repository and you want to deep dive in the code, here are some guidelines to set up your environment.

Virtual Environment

Follow the instructions to create and activate a virtual environment for the internal code of typer.

Install Requirements Using pip

After activating the environment, install the required packages:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

---> 100%

It will install all the dependencies and your local Typer in your local environment.

Using your Local Typer

If you create a Python file that imports and uses Typer, and run it with the Python from your local environment, it will use your cloned local Typer source code.

And if you update that local Typer source code when you run that Python file again, it will use the fresh version of Typer you just edited.

That way, you don't have to "install" your local version to be able to test every change.

"Technical Details"

This only happens when you install using this included requirements.txt instead of running pip install typer directly.

That is because inside the requirements.txt file, the local version of Typer is marked to be installed in "editable" mode, with the -e option.


There is a script that you can run that will format and clean all your code:

$ bash scripts/

It will also auto-sort all your imports.


There is a script that you can run locally to test all the code and generate coverage reports in HTML:

$ bash scripts/

This command generates a directory ./htmlcov/, if you open the file ./htmlcov/index.html in your browser, you can explore interactively the regions of code that are covered by the tests, and notice if there is any region missing.


To try and test the completion for different shells and check that they are working you can use a Docker container.

There's a Dockerfile and a Docker Compose file compose.yaml at ./scripts/docker/.

It has installed bash, zsh, fish, and pwsh (PowerShell for Linux).

It also has installed nano and vim, so that you can check the modified configuration files for the shells (for example .bashrc, .zshrc, etc).

It also has uv installed, so you can install the dependencies and the project quickly.

The Docker Compose file mounts the main directory as /code inside the container, so you can change things and try them out.

Go to the ./scripts/docker/ directory:

$ cd scripts/docker/

Then run an interactive session with bash inside the container:

$ docker compose run typer bash


Then inside the container, you can install typer with:

$ uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, you can start the shell you want to use, the one where you want to try out completion:

  • bash
  • fish
  • pwsh
  • zsh

For example:

$ zsh

Then install typer completion:

$ typer --install-completion


In pwsh you will probably get a warning of:

Set-ExecutionPolicy: Operation is not supported on this platform.

this is because that configuration is only available in Windows (and needed there), not in PowerShell for Linux.

For completion to take effect, you need to restart the shell. So, exit the current shell:

$ exit

and start a new shell (for the same shell you installed completion in) again. For example:

$ zsh

Now you could create a demo file on the same Typer directory in your editor, for example

import typer

app = typer.Typer()

def hello():

def goodbye():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Because the directory is mounted as a volume, you will be able to access the file from inside the container.

So, you can try running it with the typer command, that will use the installed shell completion:

$ typer <TAB>

And you should see the completion working:

run    -- Run the provided Typer app.
utils  -- Extra utility commands for Typer apps.

And the same for the commands in your file:

$ typer run <TAB>

hello    goodbye

You can also check the configuration file using nano or vim, for example:

nano ~/.zshrc

It will show some content like:

fpath+=~/.zfunc; autoload -Uz compinit; compinit

zstyle ':completion:*' menu select

If you exit from the container, you can start a new one, you will probably have to install the packages again and install completion again.

Using this process, you can test all the shells, with their completions, being able to start from scratch quickly in a fresh container, and verifying that everything works as expected.


First, make sure you set up your environment as described above, that will install all the requirements.

Docs live

During local development, there is a script that builds the site and checks for any changes, live-reloading:

$ python ./scripts/ live

<span style="color: green;">[INFO]</span> Serving on
<span style="color: green;">[INFO]</span> Start watching changes
<span style="color: green;">[INFO]</span> Start detecting changes

It will serve the documentation on

That way, you can edit the documentation/source files and see the changes live.


Alternatively, you can perform the same steps that script does manually.

Go into the docs directory at docs/:

$ cd docs/

Then run mkdocs in that directory:

$ mkdocs serve --dev-addr 8008

Typer CLI (optional)

The instructions here show you how to use the script at ./scripts/ with the python program directly.

But you can also use Typer CLI, and you will get autocompletion in your terminal for the commands after installing completion.

If you install Typer CLI, you can install completion with:

$ typer --install-completion

zsh completion installed in /home/user/.bashrc.
Completion will take effect once you restart the terminal.

Docs Structure

The documentation uses MkDocs.

And there are extra tools/scripts in place in ./scripts/


You don't need to see the code in ./scripts/, you just use it in the command line.

All the documentation is in Markdown format in the directory ./docs.

Many of the tutorials have blocks of code.

In most of the cases, these blocks of code are actual complete applications that can be run as is.

In fact, those blocks of code are not written inside the Markdown, they are Python files in the ./docs_src/ directory.

And those Python files are included/injected in the documentation when generating the site.

Docs for Tests

Most of the tests actually run against the example source files in the documentation.

This helps to make sure that:

  • The documentation is up-to-date.
  • The documentation examples can be run as is.
  • Most of the features are covered by the documentation, ensured by test coverage.